Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sorry for the delay in posting. However, I am back.

It is a dreary Tuesday outside. However, we had a BEAUTIFUL weekend. Sun and warmth.

I am already getting tan. I think it is funny because my "tan" terminology is rather odd. For me tan means a little bit darker than blindingly white. I use a lotion with SPF in it so if I am outside I go easy on the sun. (I have never been a sun worshiper. Too pale and burn too easily). However, a little never hurts. Plus I have been wearing more skirts, dresses and shorts. Strange to say that because not two years ago, all I would wear was jeans in the summer. CRAZY, yes I know.

It was soo nice outside Tom and I played a few games of tennis. :) It was soo much fun.

It was also Fathers day this past weekend. Went over to Tom's parents for some good food and games. Tom's sister Jenny is expecting her second child. Her and Jon already have Cali who is 2 1/2 years old now.

I cannot believe that it will be July next weekend. Time is flying by.

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