Sorry fellow bloggers, as you may know this past weekend was Memorial Weekend which meant GARAGE SALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom (my lovely fiances) took Friday off in-order to hit the garage sales early before they got picked over. So as I sped off to work he met up with his Mum to go rummaging.
WOW, I came home to a wonderful surprise. We have a bed frame now! Now I know that sounds strange, but when we got a bed from my friend almost two years ago it didn't come with a head-board and a foot-board. Which was something I have been wanting for quiet some time now. It is very nice looking, I will take a picture of it to post!
He also got. . . a new printer-scanner-copier, a dell computer (which does not work) but it was $1!!! so he HAD to get it. (He will take it apart and tinker with it)
A weed-whipper!! WEEE (We needed one as well)
A shovel
Work light
grass spreader
Then I wanted to go on Saturday. . . SOOOOO
Tom bought
More tools,
two large work lights
a crow-bar
a keyboard
a wireless router
digital converter box (we didn't need this. . . since we already have one but oh well)
Three stines
I am sure there is more. . . but I can't remember. . .
OH! what did I buy. . . hahaha
Two Kurt Vonnegut books. :) for .70cents. yes. . . that was it.
So from there, our neighbors were power-washing their house and Tom was talking to Mike about where he might be able to rent one. Mike said we could borrow it (Mike is a maintenance guy for our old apartment complex. Ironic.) So. . Sunday (which felt like Saturday since Monday was a vacation day) Tom power-washed our house. This wash probably used more water in one day then we use in a month cause it was using 2300 PSI of pressure! Tom was wet and sweety all at one time. It didn't help that it was like 90 degrees!! and humid. Ahhh Michigan you either get a freezing cold Memorial day, or a BLOODY HOT day. However I have had a chance to wear all of my super cute dresses! In the past I have worn jeans and t-shirts in the summer. (Crazy, I know) But last summer I started to actually wear shorts! And this year hell. . . I've started to wear dresses and more skirts. Suppose I am feeling more girly. . . who knows.
Anyways, Monday. . . aka Sunday part 2!
Started off slow, which was nice. My friend Erin lent me her Lego Indiana Jones video game so that is what I have been playing on the Wii. Tom finished the brakes on my car! He is very proud of himself and I am proud of him as well. Saved myself like 400 bucks!!! It cost me two t-shirts, making yummy granola, and letting him play Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii last night. Not bad! The parts only cost like $70 so yeah I think I saved a lot of money!
So. . . even though we pay tons in city taxes, the city wont bother to SPRAY FOR TENT CATERPILLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These HORRIBLE beings are terrible and disgusting. ( I am getting sick just thinking about them). HORRIBLE I have to say it again. . . HORRIBLE!! We have five large oak trees on our property, and all have these terrible beasts crawling on them. We have been spraying them, but they are just so many that it is hard to keep up with. The power-washer LOL sent them flying. We have been using Seven which is a toxic spray to just bugs, but still I honestly don't like using it. Mike our trusting knowledgeable neighbor, recommended a few products that are natural and wont harm other animals. So we are going to try that. Spray every few days. However, in a couple of weeks they will DIE because their life-span will have ended! HAHAHA. GRRRRR. . .
So. . . back at work today. *sighs* The alarm system is broken so every like three seconds I hear this horrible BEEP if they don't fix it soon. . . I will go postal!