Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cold Hands, Warm Hearts Swap!

When I got home today there was a nice little package waiting for me from Marlene my cold hands, warm heart swap partner!
First thank you to Sandy and Illy for hosting this. What a great way to begin the holiday! Second, that your Marlene for all of the wonderful things!!

Ubber cute paper!!


I can picture the bows stuck on the cats as they take them off the presents :) Very cute, maybe they'll behave this year.

OHH I love these, eating them as I type!

OH. . . .and this wonderfully granola as well!! Great combo!! yummy!!!!

Haha, I had to open this right away for Hamlet who was sitting right next to me as I opened my gift.

Hamlet approves!

I was just thinking of how I really really need some warm soft mittens because my skinny gloves were just not cutting it anymore! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!

I adore the cable knit pattern!

Also love the color!!

I love tea! It's is extra good on a cold day and or when I am feeling sick. Marlene, you must have E.S.P, because this Wellness tea is just what I need to finally kick this cold away!

Okay, so Tom is not home yet to photograph me, and I don't have a tripod (and was too lazy to set the self-timer) so bathroom mirror here I come!! I love this scarf!! I have the perfect new hat that I want to knit to go with it!! I LOVE IT!!!

Beautiful design!

Again, thank you Marlene, Sandy and Illy!!!! This was soo much fun!! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone!!


Ashley Hasty said...

Those gloves are great! They look super duper warm!! Perfect for the upcoming (or maybe already here where you live) frigid weather!

Your fellow CHWH participant,


hana.k said...

Great package! Those gloves look super cozy <3 (& York pieces are so tasty!!)

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

sweet gloves! they look so warm!! i'm a fan of all that food and tea - yum! and how cute of her to send your little kitty too!

thanks for joining in the fun!!!

Piper said...

Talk about a statement scarf! Can't wait to see what you make to go with it!

Sandy a la Mode said...

oh wow!!! you got soo many great goodies from your partner!! love the gloves!! thanks for participating in the swap, friend!! :)

Kel said...

It was so much fun!! Thank you all for the comments

Mandy said...

What a superb package! Everything you need to chase the chill away. :)


(A fellow CHW<3 participant.)

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Very cool mittens-So nice to meet you-
Found you via the Link Party- Here is my swap post-http://ladyofthearts.blogspot.com/2010/12/cold-hands-warm-hearts.html

Sofia said...

Nice gloves!! And Hamlet is adorable!!

Sofia, fellow CWHW swapper!

Amy said...

I love the gloves you received! What beauty! =)

- A fellow CHWH participant

ahoymichelle said...

I love the gloves and the treat that she got you for your cat! :))

- Fellow CHWH participant
Michelle of http://michelle-esque.blogspot.com