Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Favs

So, this week has been really busy. We booked our honeymoon flights!



I cannot wait to spend a week in these two place in the early fall! It's going to be very exciting.

Though, I don't have pictures, I am anticipating on opening my store this coming Tuesday, March 1!!!! YAHOO!!!!

Also, sad news, my interview went very well on Monday, so well that they gave me the job. However, it just does not pay enough for me to leave. Very sad about this, honestly I really want to work at a library. I just cannot swing it at this time. Not in the cards for me now, but my day will come! I know it will, I've been patient long enough, and good things happen to those who wait!!!!
Last but not least, my wonderful fiance, who sticks by me whatever I choose to do. I love him and cannot wait to spend a week on our honeymoon in Seattle and Portland :)

Have a great weekend everyone! I have a busy weekend ahead here. Dress shopping, crafting, taking pictures, taxes (hopefully getting a lot back!), sipping coffee lazily on the couch with my boys, and Tom and getting my shop ready to ROLL!!!

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