Monday, November 15, 2010

Another Knitting Weekend

Friday in the mail came my wonderful Ella Rae Latte yarn. I was giddy with excitment as I ripped open the package, and immedately started the cowl from French Press Knits

I don't mean to always be talking about this designer, actually I do. If you are a beginner in the knitting world, her patterns are so easy to follow. The results are amazing :) So there is my say in the matter.

The improve hat from French Press Knits.
I'm really excited because this will take the place of my fall cowl and autumn hat. WEEE!!!

My stash of ella rae latte yarn. I would totally get this yarn again. Super soft, easy to use, great buy.
I should be done tonight with both. Pictures to follow.

1 comment:

Christy Ashley said...

Thanks for the well wishes! I wish I could knit! I've tries so many times but I can never figure out how to get past the first line!