Friday, March 23, 2012

It's the Little Things

Nothing is better than Friday, that is payday with a special day-trip planned.

I'm linking up with Lindsay over at Hello Hue today!

Tomorrow morning we are going to go look at this little love. Yes, she is smiling-so cute. Her name is Rook, and though the shelter does not do same-day adoptions, she might just be the fit for our family. Pictures of our visit to follow.

Have a great weekend!


Jennifer said...

oh my goodness she looks so sweet:)

Amanda M. said...

Awwww!!! Sweet girl!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Aw, cutie!! Have a great weekend! :)

Lindsay @ Hello Hue said...

hehe. I'm not even a dog person by any standards, but goodness, that's a cute pup! Hope things work out for you to keep her!!

Thanks for linking up with me, Kelly!

Sara said...

Swoop cute!! Keep us posted!